Church Weekly
08 Sep 2024



Dear Members in Christ,

God’s help and the saint’s fervent prayer

We are all familiar with Psalm 121, a psalm that has been referred to by various names, the most memorable of which is the monicker “The Traveler’s Psalm”. If we look at our spiritual walk, we cannot help but notice that our life on earth is like a journey. In fact, the Bible rightly refers to our lifetime on earth as a pilgrim journey. The psalmist, very wisely commences this psalm with a testimony of his desire and dependence upon God’s help. He writes,

“I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the LORD, which made heaven and earth.” Psalm 121:1,2

This wise psalmist begins his opening lines by stating his desire to seek God for help. He says, “I will lift up mine eyes…” expressing his desire to look to God. In the next line, the psalmist speaks of his confidence and persuasion that God alone is his help and deliverance. He states unwaveringly that his help is from God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Glorifying the Almighty creator by trusting and depending upon Him is the psalmist’s testimony of his faith in God and God alone. Therefore, we as Christians ought to be minded to seek God in prayer whenever we encounter difficulty or distress in our lives. We ought to trust and depend on our Lord Jesus Christ for deliverance whatever circumstances we are in.

A. Seeking God’s help in prayer

No matter what our station may be, life is not without problems and distress. The poor have their daily provisions to worry about, students have the pressure of assignments and exams to contend with. Employees have to struggle with daily challenges in their projects, in meeting client demands, delivery deadlines etc. Make no mistake, even the rich and powerful are not spared, for despite their wealth, matters such as family relationships, health issues, insecurity and a host of life’s complications can cause the wealthy to be anxious. The Bible gives us very wise counsel to allay our fears and anxiety, the Bible teaches the believer to …

“Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6,7

We have to make God our very first point of contact whenever we are about to embark upon any task or venture. Seek God’s will and He will grant the peace and confidence for our venture. And if we should feel any distress or difficulty, continue to trust and obey Him.

Brothers and sisters, we ought to be like the psalmist. As Christians, we know that God is there to help despite the circumstances, and seeking Him in prayer and walking close to Him is the key to a life of peace and joy. In spiritual terms, God is our help and salvation for He will forgive our sins and impute upon us Christ’s righteousness.

B. A testimony of God’s help from a brother

The following is a testimony of brother Jermaine who prayed for help, and he trusted and depended upon God’s gracious hand. In this testimony, despite trying circumstances, our brother prayed to God for help, and the church prayed for him as well. As he continued serving God faithfully, God granted him help and favour. Please take time to read this encouraging testimony.

“In the course of my studies, I was in a situation where I had to take 7 examination papers. I did not have the confidence to pass it. But thank God for helping me to focus on my study, give me strength and wisdom to learn. I pray every time before I start the paper and after the paper. Although I don't have the confidence to pass (the papers), I thank God that I eventually passed the course. More than that, God provided me a healthy body to complete the exam and continue serving God.

God provided me the gift to serve in ministry, keep me healthy and grant me wisdom to serve continuously. It is His strength that keeps me alert and help me grow unto my faith, helping me to maintain my time for my studies and for serving God. God grant me grace to serve in the public address ministry, and may God keep and strengthen my faith. My verse for sharing with all is Psalm 119:105 “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, And a light unto my path.” In Jesus Name amen.”

Dear brothers and sisters, God is debtor to no man. We thank God for helping our dear brother in his studies. Those who seek Him faithfully in prayer and serve Him obediently will know the peace and joy of seeing God’s deliverance. May God’s name be praised. Amen.

In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor