Church Weekly
25 Aug 2024



Dear Members in Christ,

Eulogies to the late Mrs Ivy Tow, Matron of Far Eastern Bible College

On the 17 May 2024, Mrs Ivy Tow the Matron of Far Eastern Bible College was called home to be with the Lord at the age of 86. She had served the Lord Jesus faithfully in the church and Bible college. Her life and service was a strong influence to many of her students. Attached are excerpts of selected eulogies written by alumni of FEBC, by men and women whose lives have been influenced by the service of the Matron. We pray that this is an encouragement for us to serve God faithfully. These excerpts are also a testimony of God’s faithfulness to her life and service. Her life and labour may be aptly described in the words of Paul the Apostle who wrote,

“I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith” 2 Timothy 4:7

“An item that Mrs Tow gave to us was a little wooden carved donkey she bought from Israel. She said that it must remind us to be like a donkey to do anything for God, always bearing the load of the ministry, labouring hard, and working tirelessly for our Lord. And that there must be nothing too menial for a minister to do for the Lord in His vineyard. This item continues to sit in my home for over a decade, serving as a good reminder. It will now also awaken poignant memories of Mrs Tow about her own tireless labour for her Lord….” 

                                       The Rev. Joseph Poon, Pastor BPCWA

“However, I must thank God for her faithful ministry and for her discipline in keeping the College in order. Thank God for using her to mould my character. At first, it was so painful when I was scolded, and that showed my self-love, self-importance or self-pride. …Praise the Lord for His training and moulding!”

                                           The Rev. Nguyen Gia Hien, Pastor Brisbane BPC

“There is no word that can express how I am so thankful to God for the privilege to be trained and guided under the loving care of Mrs Tow, who is like a mother to her sons.  …Thus, she used whatever it took to help me to persevere and be a good Christian. I could see her sincere heart for every student to prepare them to be a better Christian and servant of the Lord. I am grateful to God for using her to train me. Her life, love, dedication, and faithfulness in the ministry is truly tremendous. It encouraged me to be faithful in the ministry no matter what difficulties may happen in life.”

                                         Bro. Maritus (Indonesia)

“When I think of FEBC, I cannot help but think of our dearest matron, Mrs Tow. To me, there was never one memorable moment only but it was Mrs Tow’s whole life that impacted me. She was always committed and present in FEBC, giving her whole life to serve the Lord by teaching the students Greek, managing the students and cooking delicious food for the students. …She knew her calling well and dedicated her life to fulfil that calling, no matter how tough the going may be. That kind of dedication was only possible because she knew her calling was from God and how real God was in her life. For that, I’m very thankful and desire to always be present in whatever call God has for me.”

     Sis. Rachel Leong

“Somewhere along the line, …she became my spiritual grandmother. We would often talk in the garden after dinners in FEBC. …She would quote Rev Tow’s saying, “Self-help with God’s help is the best help.” She held onto this principle even at the hospital. When I asked for her last words to FEBC, she said “Don’t need… they are all big already. They just need to obey and follow God’s Word… and pray”.

   Sis. Crayson Wong

“While we spent many hours in lectures and classes, we spent many hours beyond the classroom with Mrs Tow. It is only in hindsight that I've come to realise how much time we were able to spend with her, and how unique her role was in our training. …In her own way, she instilled in us that the smallest details matter. The slightest stroke in a letter, the precise cuts of watermelon, the precious cents saved during marketing. As we underwent intense scrutiny, accompanied by her "tough love", she taught us to be responsible and accountable, both to God and man in all things great and small.”

 Bro. James Tan (currently serving in Africa with his wife Shermaine)

“Mrs Tow was a very caring and thoughtful person. She remembered the alumni of Far Eastern Bible College, she made an effort to visit with them, even in her old age. She took public transport accompanied by a young lady student to visit us. We were much encouraged by her visit. We thank God for her labour of love throughout her life of service.”                                                  

     The Rev. Lee Kim Shong

“We lovingly remember the life and service of Mrs Ivy Tow, our beloved Matron. Her life was a testimony of love and perseverance in labour for the Lord. For many like us who have walked through the portals of FEBC, she provided us with nourishment in the form of good and tasty meals, and also very wise spiritual counsel for our life and ministry. I will always remember her words, "Never be afraid to do what is right for the Lord.”

       The Rev. Lim Seh Beng

We thank God for His faithfulness in the life and service of the late Mrs Ivy Tow, Matron of FEBC. May the testimony by her students and the lessons we have learnt from her enrich our lives to the praise and glory of the Lord Jesus Christ!

Picture taken with Mrs Tow circa Jan 2024, after representatives of Calvary Jaya met with Dr Jeffrey Khoo.



In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor