Church Weekly
28 Jul 2024



Dear Members in Christ,

“Let the Lord build your house” (Psalm 127:1) - An exhortation for the Miri matrimonial couple

Weddings are a joyful affair. The couple rejoices in their matrimonial union, parents and family members are glad for this “two becoming one” union. Friends and well-wishers attend with their gifts and good wishes for the couple. It should be so, for marriage is a union instituted by God. The Lord Jesus Christ’s first miracle was recorded in chapter 2 of the Gospel of John. The Lord Jesus Himself taught about the institution of marriage when He said,

“And he answered and said unto them, Have ye not read, that he which made them at the beginning made them male and female, and said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?” Matthew 19:4,5

On the 15th of June, the Matrimonial Service of our Brother James Hwong and Sister Imelda was held in Miri. It was a solemn and joyful occasion as the church members and guests witnessed the exchange of rings and the declaration of their matrimonial vows. This occasion is memorable as it is the first wedding in the history of Calvary Miri BP church. The couple had chosen as their wedding verse Psalm 127:1, declaring their intent to establish a God honoring home. Below is the exhortation from the Word of God for the encouragement of the wedding couple, and for the edification of the church.  

“Except the LORD build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the LORD keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.” Psalm 127:1

Building a house is a big task. Building a city is an even greater project. Building anything that is meant to last takes planning and organization. How about building up a spiritual family? It is even more important than any human project. Strong Christian families mean a strong spiritual life for husband, wife and also their children.

This psalm was written by a very wise man of God. The psalmist knows about how important it is to have God in every aspect of your life. In the ancient times, even if a builder is very careful, the unseen weak foundation results in a poorly built house. If a builder carelessly chooses a location, like loose sandy ground, it can mean disaster for the house and those living in it. Or unknown to all, storms can knock down the house, or unforeseen circumstances like fire can burn the house down in an accident. You can never know. It is the same for a city, which has guards all around it, only God can protect the city.

This is the same for starting a family. We rejoice because today our brother and sister begin their journey together as husband and wife in the Lord. This is a family built upon faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Both of them are used to serving in the church as individuals. From today onwards, they will join hands in serving the Lord together. They know that it is important that God is central to their lives, so they chose Psalm 127:1 as their wedding verse.

A house that is built by God, will know salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ. Both our Brother James and Sister Imelda have each put their faith and trust in the Lord Jesus for their eternal salvation. So when they start as a family, they will now join their hearts in doing the will of God. We pray that those in their extended families will be blessed by their holy matrimony. That those who have yet to know the Lord Jesus may also come to know the joy of salvation.

We pray that God will bless the couple, give them strength and wisdom to serve the church. May God bless the church and give it strength and growth with the service and labour of our brother and his wife.

The Word of God gives us wisdom about the family in Psalm 127. Psalm 127:3 reads, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” We pray that God will bless James and Imelda in His time, and will bless them graciously. Children are a gift from God, and Christian parents are to teach their children the Word of God. We pray that with this matrimonial union, the family will be blessed by God. And may God grant blessing and grace upon this couple, and the Calvary Miri BP Church. May God’s name be praised. Amen.”

The above exhortation was preached on the 15th June 2024.  

In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor