Church Weekly
23 Jun 2024



Dear Members in Christ,

Wonderful days at Church Camp – Meditating upon the grace of Christ upon the elect

Once again, we have come to the end of another annual Family Bible Camp which was held in Ipoh. A brief idea of our church camp, five days and four nights of lovely fellowship and meditation upon God’s Word. The theme of our church camp was “The grace of Christ upon the elect” based on the study of the life of the patriarch Jacob. For the Bible tells us of the election of Jacob even before his birth,

“(For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth;) It was said unto her, The elder shall serve the younger. As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.” Romans 9:11-13

This year the camp messages are a continuation of our study of the Covenant of Grace that God had made with the patriarch Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Just last year, at our Family Bible Camp, we studied the life of Isaac, the theme being the faithfulness of God to His promises.

Very aptly, this year’s camp is a meditation upon God’s grace upon the elect. In particular, we studied the grace of God, seen in God’s interventions in the life of the patriarch Jacob. For our application, the camp messages and discussion topics were specially selected to help the campers understand the grace of God in our lives. How God by His grace and providence guides us to be molded and transformed to be more Christ-like in our conduct.

From the feedback and testimonies, we are certain that those attending this camp have benefitted from the teaching. They have also enjoyed much in the way of good and warm fellowship. And there were lively discussions on the topical questions posed to the various groups. We encourage as many as possible to join us in next year’s camp.

A. Family Bible Camp is beneficial for spiritual feeding & fellowship for members of all ages

The Family Bible Camp is structured so that there is a balance between scriptural learning, devotional time, fellowship time and group or family activities. We are grateful for God’s provision of an able camp committee led by Dn. Wong Chun Wey who had planned for the camp schedule and made the arrangements for the logistics and the activities prescribed in the schedule.

The lessons in this camp are summarized in the camp booklet covering various facets of the Grace of God. E.g. God’s special grace for His elect, God’s grace despite the weaknesses of man, God’s grace in the life events of the elect, and God’s grace demonstrated in the preparation of a man’s heart.

The children’s programme were similar in theme and titles, albeit the content have been designed for the younger learners. We thank God for the provision of Brother David and Sister Hadassah for their labour of love in teaching the children.

Camp time is about learning from the Scripture. In addition, sufficient time is allocated for group discussions on relevant topics in relation to Christian living. The Bible urges the church to edify one another.

“From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.”  Ephesians 4:16

It is indeed heartwarming to see the members sharing their life experience with one another, teaching and building up the mutual faith by their sharing and discussion. Beloved, do not miss out on next year’s camp! Come and join the Family Bible Camp to strengthen our bond of love in Christ, and to grow spiritually.

B. Testimonies by the campers of the blessings received by coming to the Family Bible Camp

The testimonies of the campers were encouraging. Testimony time is a time of thanksgiving for the blessings received. There were testimonies of Session member who testified of having benefitted from the lessons learnt during the camp. We give thanks for those who have joined us from far and near. One thanksgiving item was the observation that besides Malaysians, we have campers from Australia, Singapore, and a brother from Africa.

Others testify of God’s blessings for enabling their presence at this camp despite very busy work schedule. There were member’s testimonies for the grace of God in their lives. Here is an excerpt of a note of thanks to the camp committee, “… we have benefitted and learnt much from the morning devotions, evening exhortations and theme messages. We thank God for the camp committee for all who worked so hard to make this camp a success, all Glory to God!”

Indeed, all glory to God from His manifold blessings upon us at the Family Bible Camp. May all our members be encouraged to make their plans to attend next year’s Family Bible Camp 2025. May God be praised. Amen.

In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor