Church Weekly
05 Jan 2025



Dear Members in Christ,

Serving the Lord steadfastly; a message for Dedication Sunday

It is our practice that on the first Lord’s Day of the year, we include in our morning worship a pledge to renew our service to our Lord Jesus Christ. Many of us are involved in the pledge. Amongst those taking this pledge are the ministers of the church, session members and leaders and participants of various ministries in Calvary Jaya. This pledge encompasses those serving in all areas of service in the church, e.g. the Grace deaf ministry, the Sunday School, ushers, greeters, public address, hospitality, lunch duties, office duties, fellowship groups, bible study groups, missions, visitations, prayer ministry, library, bookroom and any form of labour or service within the church. In fact, every Christian should be engaged in service for the Lord in some way or other.

While we pledge another year of service to the Lord Jesus, it is apt that we consider the biblical exhortation about the attitude and quality of our service to the Lord Jesus. There are many passages in the Bible which teaches us about our service and duties in the Church, one of this is the exhortation by the Apostle Paul to the Corinthian Christians.

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

The Apostle Paul had this exhortation to the Christians in Corinth to exhort them to remain steadfast in their service to the Lord. This is a reminder to us also as we take this pledge. We ought to take this to heart, as it is affects our attitude and joy in our service.

A. The Christian’s attitude in their service in the church

The Apostle Paul points to two qualities which are important in Christian service. These are firstly, the quality of steadfastness, and secondly unmoveability. What is being steadfast? The word in the text of the Bible conveys the idea of the state of a person who is “settled”, one who is in a state of constancy. The second quality is that of being “unmoveable”. This word conveys the meaning of a person or things whose location does not change, therefore in figure it means someone who is determined and resolute in his or her course of action. These are two very important qualities in Christian service. With these words, the Apostle Paul encourage the Corinthian Christians that “ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord”.

Why did the Apostle Paul have to encourage the Christians to be steadfast, constant and determined in their service? The reason is that as humans, we are often easily discouraged and we can lose sight of our goals in our service. It is so easy to be side-tracked by the “busy-ness” and the pleasures of this world, and to neglect putting our duty to God first in our lives.

Brothers and sisters, let us be determined in our service to the Lord Jesus Christ. As we take our pledge, I know that many of you have served in the church for many years, and in some instances many decades. Some have withdrawn themselves by reason of health or importunity – we pray that the Lord will restore and help them in their need. But for the rest of us, let the Word of God be your encouragement to serve Him with a steadfast heart, constancy and with a strong resolution. May God give us an attitude of determination as we serve Him.

B. The Christian’s service in the Lord Jesus is never in vain

The Apostle Paul tells the Christian that their labour is not in vain in the Lord. There is a strong theological message behind this exhortation. This encouragement comes with the reminder that the Christian’s life is not just for this earth, it is not just a span of time in this world. The theological reason is that the Lord Jesus Christ will come again, and those that have fallen asleep in the Lord shall be resurrected. He writes about this when he reminds them,  

“In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.” 1 Corinthians 15:52

So, this life is not all that is be all and end all for the Christian! There is life eternal and heavenly rewards which awaits the saints of God. All this is possible because of the work accomplished by the Lord Jesus on the cross of Calvary for us. Thus Paul writes, “But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (1 Corinthians 15:57).

Brothers and Sisters, knowing the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus, let us serve with constancy and determination. So, as we make our pledge before the Lord, let us be reminded that our labour is not in vain in the Lord, for in Him we have victory over sin and death. May God be praised.

In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor