Dear Members in Christ,
A man’s obedience and commitment to God’s will despite human weaknesses (Genesis 24:1-9)
What is commitment? What is obedience? Seems like a trivial question is it not? What does it mean to obey God and to be committed to His will? In today’s article, we shall look into the example of a man to whom God had blessed with a covenantal promise. We are all familiar with God’s covenantal promise in Genesis 12 to Abraham, which was a call for Abraham to leave the land of his fathers, and God will bless him with a great spiritual blessing.
“And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” Genesis 12:2,3
Within this call for Abraham to leave Ur of the Chaldees is the promise of the Messiah, the Saviour through which “all families of the earth be blessed.” This was a clear message that the Messiah will be born from the lineage of Abraham. Somewhere along the line of Abraham’s descendants, a Saviour will be born. The promised lineage of the Saviour will come from Abraham and his wife Sarah. And God graciously kept and protected the family lineage and honor when Abimelech the king of Gerar was about to take Sarah when Abraham had lied to him that Sarah was his sister. The Bible records that, “But God came to Abimelech in a dream by night, and said to him, Behold, thou art but a dead man, for the woman which thou hast taken; for she is a man's wife.” Genesis 20:3.
It is paramount in God’s salvation plan that His chosen people maintain the purity of their faith in the true and living God. The Messiah, the Saviour of mankind was going to be born as a descendant of Abraham. Therefore, intermarriage with the pagan and idolatrous inhabitants of the land would be disastrous. Would Abraham keep this covenantal commitment? Will he ensure that God’s promise of salvation through his seed will be preserved? Will he ensure that the idolatrous influence of the inhabitants in the land be kept out of his family lineage? The answer is that Abraham will keep this commitment absolutely!
A. Commitment to keep God’s covenant despite failing health and old age
God was true to His promise, and Sarah and Abraham had a son Isaac. And in the course of his sojourn, Abraham had met many challenges, amongst which was the separation with his nephew Lot. Uncle and nephew had grown rich, and the land could no longer sustain their combined flocks and herds. So they separated but Lot had unwisely chosen the cities of the plains and had moved towards Sodom. Abraham had interceded on his behalf when it was made known to Abraham that God would judge the city. Abraham had rich and illustrious life, one that was full of demonstration of his faith and of God’s mercy and faithfulness.
Now, the passage in Genesis 24 begins by telling us that Abraham was old and weak, it reads, “And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age: and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things.” Genesis 24:1.
This is a polite way of saying that Abraham was old, and unable to do much physically. This was the last of his evening years, so to speak. Abraham was not one to forget the covenantal promise of God. Despite his old age and weakness, Abraham was going to ensure the purity of faith in his family. Abraham had a plan - this means committing his wishes to a faithful servant who will carry out his bidding.
B. Commitment to ensure that the posterity remains faithful
Abraham’s exacted an oath from his faithful steward Eliezer. The Bible speaks of this solemn event when it shows how Abraham made his servant swear to carry out his desire for Isaac.
“And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh: And I will make thee swear by the LORD, the God of heaven, and the God of the earth, that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites, among whom I dwell.” Genesis 24:2, 3
The oath was clear and specific. Eliezer was to swear that Isaac will not intermarry with the Canaanites. The Canaanites were described in the Bible as idolatrous people, with gross and ungodly religious practices. It does not mean that the Bible prohibits inter-racial marriage, as there are examples of such marriage in the Bible e.g. Ruth with Boaz (Ruth 4:13) and Rahab with Salmon (Matthew 1:5). The point is theological purity, if the pagan influence were to be allowed into the family via marriage, it will draw God’s people away from the worship of the True and Living God. This example of Abraham is worth our learning. We must be committed to the propagation of the faith firstly by teaching of the Scriptures in order that our young ones will learn of the doctrines of the Bible. Secondly, we must be obedient to the biblical command not to allow unequal yoke. Despite his weak and failing health, Abraham had this concern for his son Isaac. This Bible account is recorded for us to know God’s will for His people. May we remain faithful and obedient to His word. Amen.
In His Service,
Rev. Lim Seh Beng, Pastor